Internet Resource Sharing
My favorite educational site on the internet is a site called This website provides a new article every single day, as well as a full archive of past articles and textbook sets for every subject. The best part about this site is the focus on reading level. Each article is written in 5 different reading levels for students at every reading level. Here is an example showing the introductory paragraphs at 3 of the 5 different reading levels:
590 Reading level - Grade 4-5
New Horizons is a NASA spacecraft. It has been exploring the dwarf planet Pluto. It took pictures of Pluto and gathered other information. The New Horizons researchers wrote a study. It came out on February 4. It gave new information about Pluto's weather cycle.
Pluto has a giant valley. The valley is covered in nitrogen ice. Nitrogen is a chemical element. From space, the valley has the shape of a heart. The valley is called Sputnik Planitia. It is nicknamed the "heart."
1010 Reading Level - Grade 7-8
The dwarf planet Pluto has a weather cycle that works like a heartbeat, according to a study from NASA's New Horizons team.
Pluto has a giant, heart-shaped basin called Sputnik Planitia basin. It is covered in nitrogen ice. The basin is nicknamed the "heart."
Each day, sunlight hits the Sputnik Planitia basin — the left side of the "heart" — and nitrogen ice vaporizes. The ice becomes a gas. At night, Pluto's temperature drops. The vaporized nitrogen condenses back to ice. The cycle repeats every Plutonian day, which is about six and a half days on Earth. This cycle powers the winds that shaped the dwarf planet's landscape, according to the study published on February 4.
Max Reading Level - 10-12
Pluto has a heartbeat of sorts, according to a new study from NASA's New Horizons team.
Each day, sunlight hits the Sputnik Planitia basin—the left side of the heart—and nitrogen ice vaporizes. At night, Pluto's temperature drops, and the vaporized nitrogen condenses back to ice. The cycle repeats every Plutonian day, which is about six and a half Earth days long, and powers the winds that shaped the dwarf planet's landscape, per the study published on February 4 in the Journal of Geophysical Research.
"Before New Horizons, everyone thought Pluto was going to be a netball—completely flat, almost no diversity," NASA astrophysicist and planetary scientist Tanguy Bertrand says in a statement. "But it's completely different. It has a lot of different landscapes and we are trying to understand what's going on there."
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