Technology in the Classroom
This week in class we talked about technology in the classroom and ways to incorporate new technologies into the classroom. It is crazy to think about how far technology in the classroom since i was in elementary and high school, of course times were a lot harder then....
You were lucky...and we are lucky to have these technological advancements to improve our teaching and help our students in their learning. I remember taking a typing class in grade 9 and it took forever to be able to type without looking at my fingers and now nearly every student is an experienced computer user and can type as soon as they learn the alphabet.
It is amazing to see teachers and students embracing the new technology to make the learning experience a more rewarding one, where learning can actually be fun. Here is a TedTalk discussing how to use new technologies to make the educational experience more engaging and impactful in the lives of our students.
I think using new ideas and technologies to revolutionize the education system will have a major positive impact in our school systems and leave our students with a more enriching educational experience. It is truly amazing to see how far it has come in the last 10-20 years and I for one am eagerly looking forward to see what will be created and implemented in the next 10-20.
That's it for this week