Monday, March 2, 2020


Well Ladies and Gentlemen, it's been a slice. Learning about being a solid digital citizen and what your digital footprint means are some great takeaways from this class. Throughout the year we have used a program called zoom to conference in from the comfort of our own homes to conduct class as usual from an unusual space. I really enjoyed both of those classes and led me to think how easy this would be in standard high schools. Students would of course need internet connection and the ability to navigate the programs but those could be taught in a 1-2 hour session. Zoom could be used for students that are physically unable to get to the school, are ill or any other circumstance that would prevent them from coming to school. This way they would be still be learning with the rest of the class but you would Zoom them into the lesson so they would not be left behind if they plan on returning to regular class.

Click the video above to learn how to connect to Zoom and how to use it effectively. 

Of course, there will always be pros and cons for every technique and strategy used in the classroom and Zoom won't be for everybody. Having used it a couple times you might need to iron the cracks out and make sure your students know how to use the program as I personally had some trouble logging in for our second class. I would recommend this program for anyone or group that wants to do face to face communication while using all the great things technology can bring.

Thanks Mike for the great year, I really learned a lot. 

mandatory comedy bit, this guy has some great one liners.


Well Ladies and Gentlemen, it's been a slice. Learning about being a solid digital citizen and what your digital footprint means are s...